COLOMBIA Love it Rico
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Monday, February 3, 2014
Thursday, October 17, 2013
BARICHARA, Colombia The first loud crackle tastes and feels like popcorn, but by the time the juices spray wildly in your mouth and the filament-like legs slide down your throat, there's no mistaking this toasted ant queen.
The people of sun-soaked northern Colombia have been eating ants for centuries. They believe the accurately named hormiga culona" big-butt queen ant is everything from a natural form of Viagra to a protein-rich defense against cancer.
Now the invertebrates are going global: A businessman in Santander province exported more than 880 pounds of the inch-long queen ants last year,
But even as the delicacy begins to expand beyond Colombia, the ants appear to be dwindling in Santander, and that worries the region's ant-eating bipeds.
This year's harvest, which usually begins around Easter and lasts as late as June, was one of the worst on record, with peasants in the artist colony of Barichara reporting half their normal year's haul.
Entomologists say the winter was unusually harsh and spring rains were late, which may have disturbed the virgin queen ants' nuptial flights — the one time a year when they emerge from their dune-like ant hills to seek a mate and form a new colony. Almost as often, the queens are grabbed by lizards, birds or humans.
Expanding fields of beans, tomatoes and tobacco also have replaced the region's last remaining wilderness and farmers consider the leaf-cutting ants — the species atta laevigata — to be serious pests.
"It's an age-old dilemma for the farmer should I kill it or eat it?" said Andres Santamaria, who was given a $40,000 grant from Santander's government to develop an environmentally sustainable, export-oriented program for breeding the ants.
"We're never going to eat Colombians out of their ants," said Todd Dalton, a 30-year-old chef in London whose yen for the exotic dish led him to create Edible, a novelty food brand whose products are not for the squeamish.
Last year, Edible sold some 220 pounds of the ants,
In Colombia, people generally toast the ants in salt at community gatherings and eat them as a snack. But there is innovation. Restaurants in Barichara offer an ant-based spread for bread and an ant-flavored lamb sauce.
Stuffed tortilla "atta wraps" led the menu at a recent tasting at the Montreal Insectarium, an insect museum in Canada.
"In France, they're so highly regarded people started calling them the caviar of Santander," said Stephane Le Tirant, curator at the Montreal Insectarium.
During harvest time in Santander, ants by the bagful are sold at almost every roadside stop. But although relatively abundant, they're not cheap costing as much as $11 a pound.
The culona is a source of regional pride, its image gracing everything from the logo of a long-distance bus company to the provincial La Culona lottery. It also connects locals to the province's indigenous past, when ants were a part of a complex mating ritual of the Guane Indians.
Rising demand from the outside has helped push up prices that peasant harvesters are getting.
A few years ago they cost half as much," said Hernando Medina, the province's main exporter.
Not everyone is cashing in. Jorge Raul Diaz maintains 37 ant colonies on a small farm outside Barichara, but in homage to native culture, he gives them away.
During last year's harvest, he organized the first culona-gathering contest, in which 22 participants competed over two months to see who could bag the most insects.

Farmer Carlos Bayona tosses a big pot of "Culonas" ants while cooking them in Socorro May 20, 2009. Every year during the April-June season thousands of Colombian farmers and inhabitants of Santander province collect ants (Atta Laevigata) as part of a traditional ritual in the region. The ants, named ulonas for their big size, are cooked and sold as exotic, specialized food.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Colave Las Vegas Latino Parade & Festival
Colave Las Vegas Latino Parade & Festival Sept 14 2013
video One
Video TWO
COLAVE halloween party las vegas 2012 nov. (25 photos)
25 photos
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Fiesta Las Vegas Latino Parade & FestivalLas vegas
Fiesta Las Vegas Latino Parade & Festival
Fiesta Las Vegas will celebrate cultural diversity and highlight unique customs that make Latino culture special. Fiesta Las Vegas will feature an array of colorful floats, performing artists, traditional food and family activities.
To provide an opportunity for Latinos residing in Southern Nevada to celebrate and share their colorful roots and customs.
Fiesta Las Vegas strives to encourage and promote cultural pride by uniting Latino organizations, community groups, schools, and businesses to share folkloric costumes, traditions, music, dance and comida! We aim to enhance cultural recognition and preserve our collective past sept 14 2013
Colombianos en las Vegas
Asociación Colombiana de Las Vegas. Organización sin ánimo de lucro, trabajando por los Colombianos que viven en el Sur de Nevada.
Fiesta Las Vegas will celebrate cultural diversity and highlight unique customs that make Latino culture special. Fiesta Las Vegas will feature an array of colorful floats, performing artists, traditional food and family activities.
To provide an opportunity for Latinos residing in Southern Nevada to celebrate and share their colorful roots and customs.
Fiesta Las Vegas strives to encourage and promote cultural pride by uniting Latino organizations, community groups, schools, and businesses to share folkloric costumes, traditions, music, dance and comida! We aim to enhance cultural recognition and preserve our collective past sept 14 2013
Colombianos en las Vegas
Asociación Colombiana de Las Vegas. Organización sin ánimo de lucro, trabajando por los Colombianos que viven en el Sur de Nevada.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
La espera en ruinas de El Jordán
La espera en ruinas de El Jordán
El Jordán, la emblemática fonda caminera de Medellín (1891), parada obligada de los arrieros que venían desde el occidente de Antioquia, pero que con el tiempo se convirtió en un bar, tertuliadero y sitio de referencia de la ciudad por más de un siglo, está a punto de caerse sin que la administración municipal haga algo por salvarlo. Su estado de deterioro es avanzado.
Las paredes de tapia se están cayendo y, sin embargo, todavía no comienzan las obras que prometían hacer de esta esquina en franca decadencia un centro cultural digno de los recuerdos que habitan allí. En febrero de 2009 la Alcaldía lo declaró patrimonio municipal y lo compró a la familia Burgos, quien aceptó venderlo.
El Jordán está en la loma más famosa de Robledo. Un barrio cuya historia ha estado marcada por la de la familia Burgos, que llegó allí desde hace más de 150 años. Por ese mismo sector, bajaban los arrieros en el siglo XIX que venían del occidente del país. Y, antes de ingresar al Valle de Aburrá, se apeaban en una casona antigua de paredes blancas, con más de 1.000 metros cuadrados de extensión, dos piscinas, una pesebrera para las mulas, 18 fogones y dos pianolas.
El Jordán, la emblemática fonda caminera de Medellín (1891), parada obligada de los arrieros que venían desde el occidente de Antioquia, pero que con el tiempo se convirtió en un bar, tertuliadero y sitio de referencia de la ciudad por más de un siglo, está a punto de caerse sin que la administración municipal haga algo por salvarlo. Su estado de deterioro es avanzado.
Las paredes de tapia se están cayendo y, sin embargo, todavía no comienzan las obras que prometían hacer de esta esquina en franca decadencia un centro cultural digno de los recuerdos que habitan allí. En febrero de 2009 la Alcaldía lo declaró patrimonio municipal y lo compró a la familia Burgos, quien aceptó venderlo.
El Jordán está en la loma más famosa de Robledo. Un barrio cuya historia ha estado marcada por la de la familia Burgos, que llegó allí desde hace más de 150 años. Por ese mismo sector, bajaban los arrieros en el siglo XIX que venían del occidente del país. Y, antes de ingresar al Valle de Aburrá, se apeaban en una casona antigua de paredes blancas, con más de 1.000 metros cuadrados de extensión, dos piscinas, una pesebrera para las mulas, 18 fogones y dos pianolas.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
El Cacique Nutibara, Pueblito Paisa
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